For those of you that haven’t already heard, much of the Horizon branding has changed to Omnissa with the recent 2412 build. This led to many changes in executable names, directories, etc. One that I wanted to call out specifically here was the Blast RTT metric, which is often used to track latency in various monitoring tools. This metric is retreived from the Horizon Agent. So once you upgrade the Agent to 2412, you’ll lose the Latency statistics.
Unfortunately, many of these tools have this hardcoded, but some, such as Login Enterprise, allow you to configure custom metrics through a component called Session Metrics!
Session Metrics allow us to take any measurement accessible via WMI or PerfMon and display them in our various tests. Maybe we want to correlate our application response times with another metric, such as GPU utilization or network throughput? This can help us better understand the impact and correlation of such metrics to our application response times, because in the end, that’s what really matters to a user.
Let’s quickly add the new Blast RTT value into our tests! Head to Session Metrics and create a new WMI-based Session Metric with these values:
The WMI query that was built-in for “Latency” used to be _VMwareBlastSessionCounters. You’ll notice that many things that previously contained “VMware” have been placed with “Horizon.” Which, by the way, don’t forget that you’ll also need to change the Launcher/Connector properties to reflect the new Horizon Client location after upgrading to Horizon Client 2412.

Now, we’ll want to add it to the Session Metrics group(s) that’s assigned to our tests. Since I’m already using the built-in CPU & Memory utilization for everything, I’ll add it to that to make it simple for this example. You can always add it to multiple groups, though!

Nice! Now for my tests that have the CPU & Memory utizilation Session Metrics group assigned, I’m now seeing Blast RTT statistics!

This shows how easy and powerful Session Metrics can be. Again, we can monitor ANY WMI or PerfMon-based statistic with Session Metrics and display them as part of these tests.
Have a question about Session Metrics or any other Horizon changes? As always, let me know and let’s discuss!