As promised from my last post, here is the function for listing Desktop Pools to their associated Global Entitlements – Get-HVPoolsToGEs. Enjoy!

 # Get desktop pools to Global Entitlement associations. Requires Join-Object module and HVHelper module from PowerCLI.
# Run "Install-Module -Name Join-Object -RequiredVersion 2.0.1" for join-object module install.
# Connect to pod using Connect-HVServer prior to execution. 
# Function written by Nick Burton -

Function Get-HVPoolsToGEs {

# Get app info

$hvpools = Get-HVPool

foreach ($hvpool in $hvpools)

$poolInfo+= New-Object PSObject -Property @{
"PoolName" = $hvpool.Base.Name;
"AssignedGE" = $hvpool.GlobalEntitlementData.GlobalEntitlement.Id;

# Get global entitlement info

$hvGEs = Get-HVGlobalEntitlement
$GEInfo = @()

foreach ($HVGE in $HVGEs)

$GEInfo+= New-Object PSObject -Property @{
"Name" = $HVGE.Base.DisplayName;
"GEID" = $HVGE.Id.Id;

$JoinParams = @{
    Left              = $poolInfo
    Right             = $GEInfo
    LeftJoinProperty  = 'AssignedGE'
    RightJoinProperty = 'GEID'
    Type              = 'OnlyIfInBoth'
    Prefix            = 'GE_'
Join-Object @JoinParams | select PoolName,GE_Name